Assignment 3 and the finishing of the EDC3100 course

We have now wound up with prac, and most students have finished off this week. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard during their pracs.


Yesterday I finished the final learning path  for the course. I must say it was pretty much about assignment three and how to get the marks you need. David provided us with this Google Spreadsheet to model what we need to get for Assignment Three to finish the course and recieve a mark we wanted (i.e pass or d, hd etc). So I put all my little numbers in from previous assignments and it showed me that I needed a grand total of 0 marks to pass the course. I have now been sitting on my backside for the last few days enjoying being at home with the kids, cleaning, washing and catching up on all the stuff I missed at home while on prac ignoring my assignment.

I wonder…. do I really want to put in the effort to get a really good mark? Can I be bothered? The answer to these questions will probably reflect on what type of teacher I am going to be in the future. I have previously mentioned that I play the percentages game for Uni, and I think it’s a smart way to go because I can tell you I am 100% stress free at the moment. I have at least 5 marks for my blogs/learning path activities already stashed away.. possibly 5 for my lesson plans, and then at least half marks for the rest of it. Do I go ahead and submit a half-assed assignment? Maybe. At this stage I have two days fully dedicated to completing this task and getting it all sorted, I have already finished A (learning journey), B (planning) C – lesson plans well sort of, they need to be selected and feedback copied in etc the only part i haven’t considered is D. Weirdly it is worth the most amount of marks, yet doesn’t seem to bother me at all.

I am at the point of being OK with a pass, while I have a very good GPA and would hate to take an academic hit,  I must say I am very over this course and the overarching need it seems to have to make things that little bit more complicated.

Does this impact my choice to be lazy or not? – Probably.

Am I feeling stressed? – Nope, not at all

Will I eventually pull my finger out and work hard for two days to get it all done on time? More than likely


What would you do?


3 thoughts on “Assignment 3 and the finishing of the EDC3100 course

  1. Reblogged this on #prepare our next gen. and commented:
    Ahhh… This post really made me think. As I was adding up my marks this was my thought process exactly.. Well I only need this many marks.. maybe I should just hand in the lesson plans and I’ll be right. A part of me just can’t handle that. I guess it’s that teacher part just like Adventures of a Preservice teacher suggested. Although, I am still a uni student for another year 😉
    Today my plan is to start and finish the last assignment for this oh so heavy but oh so advantageous subject in which I love and hate at the same time! Then it’s just one exam and another semester will be done.

    Did I like this course?
    Not really, it took up ALOT of my time and effort.
    But really, did I like this course?
    Yes I really did. I learnt a lot about technology, reflection, networking, handy tools, self education and it kept me on track having to engage with the study desk and materials all the time. It not only forced me to think, but it encouraged me to think.

    Time and effort pays off eh?

    • I am glad I’m not the only one who considered the mark side of things first. I must admit that I did do the ‘right’ thing and worked all day on my assignment! I have polished parts b and c, and will use Monday to complete part D as we are off again this weekend to play in the dirt.

      The time and effort does seem to pay off, for me at least working hard in the first part of the semester has allowed me this little “break”. Although I do know the real world doesn’t really work that way, I for one am going to enjoy the percentages game while I can 😉

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